This Memorial Day weekend was the perfect mix of relaxation and productivity. It seemed like everything we did was an essential summer activity.
(1) Lounge by the Pool (with Sunscreen) - Brian had to work Saturday, and I spent the entire day laying out by the pool. I am 25 years old, and I am STILL in denial about my skin's sun burning abilities. I used a little sunscreen at the beginning of the day, but then proceeded to bake myself with tanning oil until I was a nice shade of tomato-red. I spent the rest of the weekend looking absolutely ridiculous! New summer motto: Lindsey, get over yourself, put down the tanning oil, and pick up the freaking sunscreen.
Booooo! |
(2) Eat a Popsicle - This huge box of Pop Ice brings back so many good memories. When I was little, my grandma Diebold ALWAYS had these in her freezer. Considering I just bought 100 of them, I am going to have these in mine for a while too.
Pink and blue are my two favs |
(3) Start a DIY Project - When we left Lowe's on Sunday, we showcased our creative loading techniques. Brian bought a new handsaw and could not wait to use it. I guess he wanted to get the maximum benefit from the thing because he refused to let the Lowe's employees cut down the 14 feet boards. Ha! He built an awesome work bench for the garage that I'll write about soon.
Like my man Tim Gunn says, "Make it work." |
Got the Ranger loaded down! |
(4) Plant a Vegetable Garden- When it comes to plants, I have a terrible track record. Earlier this year, Brian's sweet mamaw gave me a blue hydrangea bush she promised was impossible to kill. It put up a good fight, but the poor little plant was doomed from the beginning. It died a slow, painful death, and sadly, it never made it to the new house.
While we were at Lowe's, I decided to take baby steps in developing my green thumb. I bought a large planter, 2 big bags of potting soil, a small tomato plant, a little bunch of basil, and some cilantro. I love the idea of fresh garden tomatoes and herbs, but my lethal gardening skills are going to have to improve.
Please don't die..please don't die.. |
(5) Go to a Baseball game - Monday night we went to a Huntsville Stars baseball game with some friends, and it was the perfect way to end the weekend. Nothing says summer like ball park hot dogs and ice cold beer. Oh yeah, and watching the baseball game. :)